Friday, July 18, 2008

The Art Camp Countdown

I don't know about the other Mommies out there, but this Mom thinks summer has flown! Having camp every Thursday has been almost like a little countdown for me, with only one to go that means only 2+ weeks of summer left! Yikes! This past week we did animals you'd find in your home, at least Valerie and My homes! We both have a house full of sweet, fun animals. Valerie has 2 cats and the prettiest dog, Gracie. I recently witnessed her opening the back door to let herself out. The trick Valerie says now is teaching her to swat it shut with her fan sized tail! I have 4 cats, a silly dog named Lily and new to our home is a goldfish. So this week was fun for me to share pictures of my animals and us create whimsical art based on them! We did a dog, cat and a goldfish. The day was all about painting whimsical, silly, fun and creative! I think we did just that! Next week is the last in the series and it will be about animals at the aquarium. See you then!

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