Thursday, December 27, 2007

THANKS for a great Year!

We just want to thank all of you for helping make this year a huge success for us! We really enjoyed transforming the store with each season and the stints in between. We are already scheming for the coming year and frantically buying for the now. We have three big buying sprees coming up....a road trip to Kentucky....the Gift Show in Atlanta...and the big one for us the New York Gift Show! In the meantime, bare with us as we do our nesting, preparing the store for the winter months to come. Don't be surprised if we ask you to look for the hammer when you come in!

The store will be open the remainder of the week with Ashley at the helm. Valerie's Mother is coming for a visit, and I am hibernating for a few days with the kids (surviving is the word actually). Knowing us, we will also be busy making things for you to buy in the comforts of our homes. From our families to yours, have a Happy New Year and we look forward to seeing you very soon!

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