Thursday, March 27, 2008

An End to the Rumor

So, there has been a rumor floating around town for about 3 months or so that we are moving. We know how it got started, we told one person, who told another, who told another, you get the picture. And it was true. We were trying to move to Ashley Park. Actually we tried to move there 4 years ago before we moved here.....and they still aren't quite ready for us. Our spot probably still has our name on the site map right next to DSW. 5 years from now we may kick ourselves, but for now, our families come first. So we are staying put. But here's the deal, we need for our loyal customers (who are now our friends!) to get the word out about downtown Newnan. We need a broader customer base to keep the Flea alive! So forward our flea bites to your e-mail lists, invite a friend to Ladies Night Out who says they've never been to downtown Newnan, spend a Saturday afternoon walking our streets instead of the aisles of Target, come to Art Walk(April 18), or just come by one morning. We'll be there. Probably re-arranging, again! Here's some hot new items we wanted you to see and intice you to come visit soon!
By the way, that gorgeous painting above was done by our lovely Julie. She's our creative Tuesday gal.
We went a little pillow crazy at the January show...and there are more to come! Great colors, don't you think! Add a little spice to your home with these!

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